Nepenthe Somatics
James Nepenthe Smith Frank, SEP, CMT-P
offerings and services
Somatic Experiencing
Stress and Trauma Resolution. The resolution of trauma and stress not only allows individuals to reclaim their lives, it allows society to find new ways to resolve conflict and live in harmony.
Group Work
I have worked with a large variety of groups, in a wide range of settings and contexts. I love working with groups. If interested, please send me an email to find out what could be possible.
Dharma Exploration
Dharma practice can be hard. Meditation necessarily brings up obstacles that can require specific support in order to integrate and wake up more fully within daily life. I offer tools and reframings to practice that allow the path to unfold beyond the limitations of our own self-deception.
Men's Work
Conscious Masculinity and Identity Exploration. Encourage the wild and connective quality of aliveness. In working together on an individual basis, we will explore topics of power, sexuality, intimate relationships, trauma, fear, joy, power, love, creativity, and much much more .
Mindfulness Coaching
Mindfulness Meditation Guidance and Exploration
A unique, high-octane coaching package to transform your life and relationships.
James Frank SEP, CMT-P is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Mindfulness Teacher, specializing in nervous system regulation, relational repair, and trauma-stress resolution. He works with a wide range of people, spanning anywhere from at-risk youth to medical professionals. He has been in training as a somatic therapy healer and trauma-informed mindfulness teacher since 2013.
What is Nepenthe?
Nepenthe is my middle name, given to me by my parents. It is a greek word that translates to that which takes away suffering. Literally, 'not-sorrow' or 'anti-sorrow'