Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT®)
Now Enrolling for Spring of 2025!
We are now offering the original 8-week, 20-hour MMFT course live on Zoom. In the live MMFT course, MMFT Trainers will guide you through the neurobiology of stress, trauma, and resilience—with interactive tools and daily practices to help you recover, heal, and increase your ability to thrive during stress.
I have had the great privilege to work with Dr. Elizabeth A. Stanley as a Trainer for her Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training, a Trauma-Sensitive Approach to Resilience and Recovery in High-Stress Environments. (MMFT) has been tested through rigorous neuroscience and stress physiology research, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and other foundations. Since 2008, Dr. Elizabeth Stanley and her collaborators have conducted four studies with combat troops preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan—with strong positive results published in top-tier scientific journals.
To learn more about the program and take the online course, click here. And if you or an organization you know of is interested in bringing MMFT in, please reach out here
Current MMFT Programs
Live MMFT® Courses on Zoom
Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT)® is a trauma-informed training approach to resilience and recovery in high-stress environments. Through this course, you will:Build your resilience, by recovering from prior stress and healing from trauma
Improve your decision-making and ability to access choice during challenges
Create more effective relationships, especially during stress and conflict
We are now offering the original 8-week, 20-hour MMFT course live on Zoom. In the live MMFT course, MMFT Trainers will guide you through the neurobiology of stress, trauma, and resilience—with interactive tools and daily practices to help you recover, heal, and increase your ability to thrive during stress.
We are starting the next live MMFT course on September 23, 2024. You can register here. How Does the Live MMFT Course Differ from the MMFT Online Course?
The MMFT Online Course is based on the original 8-week live MMFT course.Both the live and online versions of MMFT include MMFT’s eight instructional modules and its sequence of trauma-informed exercises that is carefully paced to help move someone from dysregulation to resilience.
However, the live MMFT course also includes:
An individual practice interview with an MMFT Trainer, which allows them to assess the participant’s progress with the exercises and give tailored, personalized instructions regarding any challenges they are facing with mind fitness practice. Participants also have an opportunity to ask questions privately.
Live personalized coaching and tailored exercise guidance to work with individual sensitivities during in-class practice and practice discussion
A 4-hour Intensive Practicum, which allows participants to integrate the practices learned to date through a longer period of continuous practice. In the process, participants can challenge their window of tolerance—and then use course skills to self-regulate and widen their windows.
While the MMFT Online course is always available on-demand for the self-paced, independent learner, the live MMFT course is a great choice for individuals who want to learn how to embody this material with active, sustained, and individualized Trainer support. Learning as part of a live group also provides external accountability and support, so that the new habits cultivated in this course can stick.
Successfully completing a live MMFT Course, either in person or on Zoom, is also a prerequisite for applying to the MMFT Trainer certification program.
What Are MMFT’s Benefits?
The original MMFT course (pronounced “M-fit”) was designed as 20 hours of training offered over 8 weeks. It has been tested through rigorous scientific research with U.S. troops preparing for combat deployment.
Some of MMFT’s benefits detailed in peer-reviewed scientific research include:
Better cognitive performance
Better regulation of negative emotions
Better physiological self-regulation and resilience
Better-quality and longer sleep
While these benefits were documented among troops preparing for deployment, they are available to everyone! You can read more about MMFT’s extensive research record here.
Who Is This Course For?
While initially designed for and researched in military populations, MMFT has been effective for people living and working in a wide range of high-stress environments. This program is ideal for anyone seeking recovery and healing from chronic stress and trauma in the past—as well as anyone facing highly stressful and uncertain situations right now.
Some of the groups for which MMFT has been particularly effective:
Military: Active-duty/reservist service-members and veterans, and their families
First Responders: Paramedics, firefighters, and law enforcement officers
Health Care Workers: Doctors, therapists, nurses, and medical assistants
Business Professionals: Executives, leaders, and others facing high-demand
Parents and Teachers, whose stress and emotions can have large ripple effects to children
How Does MMFT Work?
MMFT’s efficacy comes from its specific combination of mindfulness practices, body-based self-regulation techniques, and insights from the world’s warrior traditions. This blend of mindfulness training with body-based self-regulation skills training is crucial for increasing resilience and enhancing performance during stress.
MMFT cultivates two core skills, attentional control and tolerance for challenging experience, through (1) an understanding of the neurobiology of stress, trauma, and resilience; (2) mindfulness skills training; (3) body-based self-regulation skills training, to regulate the “survival brain” and autonomic nervous system; and (4) concrete applications for daily life.
Unlike many other mindfulness-based training programs, MMFT was explicitly designed for people working in high-stress environments, who frequently have high stress loads from prior prolonged stress and trauma without adequate recovery. Most mindfulness programs were not designed to accommodate and re-regulate such deep-seated mind-body dysregulation.
In contrast, MMFT’s body-based self-regulation exercises, as well as its unique exercise sequence to gradually cultivate awareness in the body, make MMFT distinct from other resilience trainings. This is particularly important for populations who have significant prior exposure to prolonged or overwhelming stress, so that they do not inadvertently become re-traumatized.
Upcoming MMFT Courses and Logistics
We will be hosting the next live MMFT course starting in March 2025. Most course sessions will occur from 11 am- 1 pm Eastern Time, so that we can accommodate time zones in Europe, Africa, and western Asia. Please note that the United States starts daylight savings time several weeks ahead of European time zones, so please note the Coordinated Universal Time zone in parentheses (UTC/GMT).
Here are the specific dates for the next live MMFT Course on Zoom:
March 3 (1100-1300 ET (GMT-5)) Module 1
March 5 1100-1300 ET (GMT-5) Module 2
March 10 1100-1300 ET (GMT-4) Module 3
March 12 1100-1300 ET (GMT-4) Module 4
March 15-19 (GMT-4) 15-minute individual practice interviews
March 24 1100-1300 ET (GMT-4) Module 5
March 31 1100-1300 ET (GMT-5) Module 6
April 5 1000-1400 ET (GMT-5) Mind Fitness Intensive Practicum
April 14 1100-1300 ET (GMT-5) Module 7
April 21 1100-1300 ET (GMT-5) Module 8
There are no prerequisites for this program, but you will be required to sign an informed consent agreement during registration. Participants of all levels of experience, all ages, and all identities are warmly welcomed. If you do not yet have a daily awareness practice, we recommend starting a daily practice of the Contact Points Exercise; you can access this audio recording by joining Dr. Stanley’s mailing list (on her website, www.elizabeth-stanley.com). Participants may also find it helpful to read her book, Widen the Window.
The course will be held online on Zoom; video replays will be available during the course if you miss a session. Participants may watch up to two modules via video replay (and complete a make-up assignment) to still qualify for a certificate of completion. However, they must attend every other session, including their individual interview and the Intensive Practicum, live.
The course costs $625, and you can register here. We offer a 15% early bird registration discount if you register by January 31, 2025. Use coupon code MMFTEARLYBIRD.
Wishing to make this training as widely accessible as possible to those in need, we will have a limited number of subsidized seats available for $375.
If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please send an email to admin@elizabeth-stanley.com by January 31 that answers the following questions:
Why do you want to take the MMFT course on Zoom at this time?
Please offer some justification of your financial need.
If you would like to help support others, so that we can help as many who are in need as possible, you are welcome to add a “tip” during the registration check-out that will be used to support more scholarships in this course.
In 2023 she was approached by the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in Lviv and the Forest Glade Veterans Rehabilitation Hospital in Kyiv—Ukraine’s national center for excellence for PTSD—in collaboration with other NGO’s and the Ukrainian Ministries of Health and of Veterans. They approached her in effort to bring MMFT to Ukraine.
In the Spring of 2024, we taught the first 8-week MMFT course, live with simultaneous translation, on Zoom. We worked with a cohort of 44 participants from several societal sectors, located all around Ukraine—including almost a quarter working at or near the frontlines. Our goal is to train at least two more cohorts in the 8-week course before selecting individuals for the Ukrainian MMFT Trainer certification program.
Participants in the Ukrainian MMFT Zoom course reported large improvements in their symptoms of insomnia, chronic pain, anxiety, and other symptoms of dysregulation. In the words of some participants:
Thank you very much for this course! It was just like fresh air in the smoky space we live in now. I could not even imagine how unbalanced I was, how much my mind wandered. Now I seem to have come back to myself, there is a feeling of control over the situation (as much as possible).
I have become more stress-resistant, and I feel it in my everyday life…I react more calmly to alarm signals, [and] internal anxiety has passed, which did not bring any benefit at all, but only exhausted me. And in communication with other people, I can now react more calmly to unpleasant statements, where I used to get angry immediately. Thank you very much!!! It really works!
MMFT is extremely helpful, important, and definitely effective. This course is unlike any other mindfulness experience I’ve had before. And, I must note: in my opinion, in conditions of constant stress, this approach and this technique are definitely more effective and efficient than those with which I was familiar before. I will definitely continue to practice and wait for the trainer course. Because these skills and this knowledge should be spread further to benefit other people. Thank you!
After this course, even in extremely difficult conditions of imminent danger, I have demonstrated the ability to be with a group and control my thoughts, emotions, and actions. That’s cool!
Thank you so much! During this course, I felt in my body the feeling of happiness that was before the war.
The further I go with MMFT, the more I want to share MMFT with my people.
We could use your help! We still seek funding to complete the Ukrainian MMFT Online course launch on UCU’s platform. We also seek funding to update, adapt, and translate the training materials for the MMFT train-the-trainer certification program, as a first step to running the trainer certification sequence in Ukraine. These materials will establish curriculum and assessment tools for future MMFT Ukrainian Trainers. Creating a cadre of Ukrainian-speaking MMFT Trainers will allow the MMFT program to become self-sustaining in Ukraine.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to this effort in Ukraine, you can donate in two ways:
Contribute online to the Sounds True Foundation here
Mail a paper check to the Sounds True Foundation, PO Box 1020 Lafayette, CO 80026. Please be sure to write “MMFT” on your check.
We appreciate any and all support that you can offer for this project!